the right fIT
the right fIT is a joint project of DCI and SINGA Berlin, supported by INCO Opportunity, born with a desire to best respond to the needs of students who are just about to kick-start their careers in tech.
Making the first steps into the desired career path comes not only with delightful hope and excitement but also with plenty of expectations, pressure, and oftentimes frustration. Such situations affect us all differently. We want to be mindful of this delicate position and support & celebrate students as *they* are. With your distinctive strengths and vulnerabilities, with your hopes and aspirations.
Through a series of five workshops, SINGA will play an important role in keeping up the spirit, motivation, and much-needed self-awareness. As a part of the Internship Support phase, students will get the space and tools to truly focus on themselves. Students' input, satisfaction, and feedback will be at the very heart of the workshops’ design.

About the trainer: Nataša Nikolić

Moving to Berlin for her Master's Studies, Nataša came to stay. Being an expat herself who struggled to learn the language and navigate her way to the field she’s actually passionate about, she can relate very well. Nataša is currently a Project Manager with a strong focus on concept development and workshop facilitation.

Get in touch with Nataša!

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